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Financial Regulations Feb 2024

Risk Assessment 2024

Statement of Internal Control Apr 2024

Use of Debit Card Procedure Feb 2024

Internet Banking Procedure Apr 2024

Investment Strategy May 2024


Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2024:

Audit – Notice of Public Rights and Sections 1-2 AGAR year ending 31 March 2024

Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-2024

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2023:

2022-23 Audit- Notice of Conclusion- Sections 1-3 AGAR- External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit – Notice of Public Rights and Sections 1-2 AGAR year ending 31 March 2023

Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-2023

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2022:

2021-22 Audit- Notice of Conclusion- Sections 1-3 AGAR- External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit – Notice of Public Rights and Sections 1-2 AGAR year ending 31 March 2022

Annual Internal Audit Report 2021-2022

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2021:

2020-21 Audit- Notice of Conclusion- Sections 1-3 AGAR- External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit – Notice of Public Rights and Sections 1-2 AGAR year ending 31 March 2021

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2020:

2019-20 Audit- Notice of Conclusion- Sections 1-3 AGAR- External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit – Notice of Public Rights…year ending 31 March 2020

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2019:

2018-19 Audit- Notice conclusion AGAR and External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit- Notice of public rights…year ending 31 March 2019

Documents associated with external audit year ending 31 March 2018:

2017-18 Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Sections 1-3 AGAR

Audit- Notice of Public Rights…year ending 31 March 2018



Precept request 2024-25

Alcester Town Council Budget 2024-25


Precept request 2023-24

Alcester Town Council Budget 2023-24


Precept request 2022-23

Alcester Town Council Budget 2022-23


Precept request 2021-22

Alcester Town Council Budget 2021-22


Precept request 2020-21

Alcester Town Council Budget 2020-21


In line with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Town Council is required to publish items of Town Council expenditure over £500. Please see the information below.


Expenditure over £500 Jan – Mar 2024

Expenditure over £500 Oct – Dec 2023

Expenditure over £500 July – Sept 2023

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2023


Expenditure over £500 Jan – Mar 2023

Expenditure over £500 Oct – Dec 2022

Expenditure over £500 July – Sept 2022

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2022


Expenditure over £500 Jan- Mar 2022

Expenditure over £500 Oct-Dec 2021

Expenditure over £500 July- Sept 2021

Expenditure over £500 April- June 2021


Expenditure over £500 Jan – Mar 2021

Expenditure over £500 Oct – Dec 2020

Expenditure over £500 July – Sept 2020

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2020


Expenditure over £500 Jan- Mar 2020

Expenditure over £500 Oct- Dec 2019

Expenditure over £500 July – Sept 2019

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2019


Expenditure over £500 Jan – Mar 2019

Expenditure over £500 Oct-Dec 2018

Expenditure over £500 July – Sept 2018

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2018


Expenditure over £500 Jan – Mar 2018

Expenditure over £500 Oct- Dec 2017

Expenditure over £500 July- Sept 2017

Expenditure over £500 April – June 2017


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Monitoring Report

Alcester Town Council CIL Receipts and Spend 2023-2024

Alcester Town Council CIL Receipts and Spend 2022-2023

Alcester Town Council CIL Receipts and Spend 2021-2022

Alcester Town Council CIL Receipts and Spend 2020-2021

Alcester Town Council CIL Receipts and Spend 2019-2020


In accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Town Council owns and occupies the land and buildings listed in land ownership March 2024

Fixed Asset register March 2024

During 2023-24 the Town Council had no employees whose salary exceeded £50,000.

During 2023-24, the Town Council had no Government Procurement cards.

During 2023-24 there were no union representatives in the authority.

During 2023-24 the Town Council received no income from parking.  Parking in Alcester is controlled by Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

Alcester Town Council tries to procure goods and services locally wherever possible but also is mindful that it has a duty to obtain good value for money.  The Council’s financial regulations provide that formal tenders are used for purchases over £25,000.  For smaller purchases it is usual to get at least 3 quotations.  The Council is not obliged to accept the lowest tender, quotation or estimate.

Contracts awarded over £5000 2023-24

Contracts awarded over £5000 2022-23

Contracts awarded over £5000 2021-22

Contracts awarded over £5000 2020-21

Contracts awarded over £5000 2019-20 

Annually, the Town Council awards community grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.