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Council Policies

Under the Freedom of Information Act, certain Council documents are made available for the public to view. Please see below for some of our most commonly used documents, others may be requested direct from Alcester Town Council at Globe House, Priory Road or by email:

Code of Conduct:

At the Full Council meeting on 12 April 2022, Alcester Town Council adopted the Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 with effect from 1 May 2022.

Code of Conduct 2022

Social Media Policy 2018

Standing Orders Oct 2023

Policy Documents:

Alcester Town Council has developed a Strategic Plan June 2023 which is delivered via an annual action plan. The Action Plan for 2024-2025 was approved at Full Council on 4 June 2024.

Appraisal Process Jan 2023

CCTV Policy April 2023 , CCTV privacy impact assessment for the EPCC, and Plan of CCTV camera locations at the EPCC.

CIL Allocation Policy Feb 2021

Community Engagement Policy Nov 2023

Community Engagement Action Plan Nov 2023

Complaints Procedure Jan 2023

Cookie Policy Dec 2023

Co-option Policy Feb 2024

Data Subject Access Request Policy Dec 2023

Dignity at Work Policy Sept 2022

Discipline Policy Mar 2023

Disposal of Land Policy May 2022

Document Retention Policy April 2023

Equality and Diversity Policy June 2024

Grievance Policy Mar 2023

Health and Safety Policy June 2024

Keyholders policy and procedure-Eric Payne Community Centre  June 2019

Markets Licensing Policy June 2024  (Application forms)

Maternity Leave and Pay Policy May 24

Mayors Protocol Nov 2023

Privacy Notice Dec 2023

Privacy Policy Dec 2023

Proper Use of Email Policy Dec 2023

Protocol on Recording Meetings Sept 2017

Publications Policy July 2022

Publication Scheme June 2023

Reserves Policy July 2023

Safeguarding Policy June 2023

Scheme of Delegation June 2023

Security Incident Response Policy Dec 2023

Training and Development Policy June 2023

Tree Maintenance Policy Aug 2023

Virtual Public Meetings Protocol Aug 2020

Volunteer Policy Dec 2023

Working Groups Protocol Nov 2022