In this section
- Councillors
- Town Councillor Vacancies
- Mayor of Alcester
- Town Clerk
- Town Councillors
- Councillor Dougie Gordon
- Councillor Colleen Chester
- Councillor Alison Leask
- Councillor Andrew Foster
- Councillor Clive Neal-Sturgess
- Councillor Corin Elliott
- Councillor David Henderson
- Councillor Ruth Ashfield
- Councillor Gillian Forman
- Vacancy
- Councillor Kathryn Cargill
- Councillor Keith Greenaway
- Councillor Mark Cargill
- Councillor Mike Bowe
- Vacancy
- Councillor Wendy Mills
- Documents
- Working Groups
- Community Grants

A Councillor is elected, or in the event of no election being held, nominated for election by electors in a ward within the parish of Alcester. There are two wards in the parish, Alcester West and Alcester East, and the prime duty of a councillor is to represent and engage with the electors of their respective ward so that views are voiced both with the council and through the council with their partners Stratford on Avon District Council, Warwickshire County Council and other organisations such as the emergency services.
A councillor must attend every Full Council meeting or send an apology with reasons for absence to the Clerk to be approved by the council. Failure to attend for six consecutive meetings without approved apologies would mean the automatic removal from office.
A councillor must use their own discretion and knowledge when called on to vote on resolutions and motions during council and committee meetings. This is particularly necessary when voting on financial issues, both in setting the precept and spending public money.
Sixteen councillors were elected in an uncontested election in May 2023.
Notice Uncontested Elections 2023
The next scheduled Town Council election will be in May 2027.
With effect from May 2022, Alcester Town Council has allocated Lead Councillor roles. These are areas in which councillors have a particular interest. However, you may contact any councillor about any issue you are concerned about in the town.
Sometimes your enquiry may not be within our remit and we may refer it to either Stratford on Avon District Council or Warwickshire County Council. Our Stratford on Avon District Councillors are Cllr Susan Juned (Alcester East) and Cllr Joe Harmer (Alcester West). The County Councillor for Alcester is Cllr Piers Daniell.
Alcester Town Council Committee Membership May 2024
Alcester Town Council – ATC appointment to external bodies Dec 24
Alcester Town Councillors- Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (For individual councillor’s Register of Interests- select the name you require from the list then select Register of Interests)