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Your Council

Alcester Town Council Building

Alcester has the largest number of inhabitants of any parish or Town Council outside Stratford upon Avon, and sits within the Stratford on Avon District of Warwickshire.

The Town Council has 16 Councillors and every year elects a Mayor and Deputy Mayor, who act as the Chairman and Deputy. The Council operates with monthly Full Council meetings and a Planning Committee.  In addition, there is a Finance and General Purposes Committee, which comprises the Mayor, Deputy Mayor plus other members elected from the Town Council.

The Town Council has three noticeboards in the town; one in Market Place (on the walkway from Waitrose car park to the High Street), one in the High Street outside SpecSavers and one on the new Bloor Homes estate. Agendas for meetings are put up on the noticeboards three clear days before each meeting and are also available online on our website. Members of the public are welcome to attend all our meetings.

Council meetings–  Calendar of meeting dates for Full Council and committees 2024- 25

Alcester Town Council Committees- cllr membership May 2024

ATC organisational chart November 2024


Full Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month (unless there is a significant public event which would warrant a change of date) at 7pm in Globe House, Library meeting room 4, First floor (lift available), Seggs Lane entrance. Contact the Town Clerk- Vanessa Lowe:

Planning Committee meetings are held monthly on a Monday at 7pm at Globe House. However, applications are sometimes considered by email meeting. Contact the Planning Committee Clerk-

Finance & General Purposes Committee usually meets on the Tuesday in the week prior to Full Council meetings at 7pm in the Council Board Room upstairs in Globe House, Seggs Lane entrance. Contact the Town Clerk- Vanessa Lowe:

All Town Council meetings are open to the public. The Town Council has an Access Statement which applies to the Town Council Offices at Globe House and the Eric Payne Community Centre.

The Council produces a newsletter four times a year; Spring (March), Summer (June), Autumn (September) and Winter (December). The Council is happy to include any suitable community items, subject to space being available, appropriate content and timely receipt of the articles prior to publication. Contact:

The Council compiles an Annual Report in time for the Annual Parish Meeting in April.

Annual Report of the Town Council 2023-24

Annual Report of the Town Council 2022-23

Annual Report of the Town Council 2021-22

Annual Report of the Town Council 2020-21

Annual Report of the Town Council 2019-20

Local Authorities are required to consider crime and disorder and community safety in all their activities. Crime and Disorder Statement Sept 23

Biodiversity Statement Oct 2023

For general enquiries about:

  • Facilities such as allotments and the cemetery, please contact Tim Forman, Facilities Manager:
  • Health and Wellbeing initiatives, please contact Wendy Sherwood, Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator:

The Town Clerk, Vanessa Lowe, can be contacted by email:

The Deputy Town Clerk, Kyla Brown, can be contacted by email:

Kyla Brown is also the Mayor’s Secretary and can be contacted by email: 

The office at Globe House (access from Seggs Lane) is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 1 pm.  The office phone number is 01789 766084.

Councillors’ contact details can be found on each of their Councillor profile pages and also on the back page of every Town Council newsletter.