Star council award 2022
Civility and Respect Pledge Council
Local Council Gold Award
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Vacancy notice ATC June 2024


At this time of year produce is growing quickly and flowers are blooming in the town’s four sets of allotments, managed by Alcester Town Council. The School Road allotment site is owned by the Town Council but the others are leased from either Stratford District Council or the Ragley Estate.

As part of the process to produce the South Warwickshire Local Plan, Stratford District Council issued a ‘call for sites’ by landowners. The Bleachfield North allotment site is owned by the Ragley Estate and is one of several sites which Ragley put forward for development. This doesn’t however mean that those allotments will be built on. There are many checks, screening and decisions that have to take place first. This may well take several years and if that site was going to be lost, the National Allotment Society advise that another would have to be provided.

The Council is not planning to sell any of the allotments land it owns or leases, including the Allimore Lane site.

Bloor Homes are also providing allotments, initially offering them to residents of Alcester Park.

So Alcester residents can be assured that our allotments are safe for us to enjoy for many years.



We are delighted to announce that the Town Council has achieved Quality Gold award as part of the Local Council Award Scheme!

This award recognises that the council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.  It also shows that we go above and beyond our legal obligations, leading our community and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further. There are very few of the 9,000 councils across the country that have achieved any level of Local Council Award Scheme and we are very proud to be just one of 53 councils which holds the Quality Gold award.

Photo: Vanessa Lowe, Town Clerk and Mayor of Alcester, Cllr Vaughan Blake



Waitrose has launched soft plastic recycling at 295 Waitrose stores, including Alcester. Film and flexible packaging accounts for about 25% of all consumer packaging but is not collected at the kerbside. As long as it’s clean and dry you can now recycle instore soft plastics such as cling film, bubble wrap, plastic bag, baby and pet food pouches.


Warwickshire Fire & Rescue offer free Safe and Well visits to help those most vulnerable in Warwickshire receive some additional safety support. The visits are carried out by firefighters and community fire safety officers and have helped protect thousands of residents across Warwickshire from the risk of fire in their home. Vulnerable residents in Alcester are able to apply for a free Safe and Well visit on the County Council website. For essential advice and information on fire safety in the home, visit




Civic Service Saturday 20 July 2024 at St Nicholas Church at 11am.

All welcome.














Archived news

Council and Community Blog posts outlining historical activities and events in Alcester either organised or supported by Alcester Town Council.