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Alcester Town Council are working with Warwickshire Association of Local Councils and Warwickshire Community & Voluntary Action to help decision makers understand the specific needs and challenges of our community on health and social care. We are one of five local councils who have worked together to design and deliver a customised survey, unique to our town.

This survey is part of a research campaign which we will be rolling out over the coming months inviting you to contribute your thoughts on health and care in your area.  We have developed the survey to be accessible in many ways, online, in person and in group settings. Please help us to inform the delivery of integrated health and care across Warwickshire by taking part in this important research.

To access this survey please click this link 


The Town Council secured a grant for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to create a pilot Rural Enterprise Hub in Alcester.

For more information see


The Town Council received the news on Friday 28th June that the Alcester branch of Lloyds Bank would be closing in June 2025.  The Town Clerk immediately made enquiries with the appropriate authorities explaining that this was the last bank branch in the town.

We are now pleased to announce that Cash Access UK have confirmed that a new Banking Hub will be set up in Alcester.  Details are here Banking Hub Leaflet

More information will follow in due course but we are assured that everyday banking facilities will be maintained in the town.


Waitrose has launched soft plastic recycling at 295 Waitrose stores, including Alcester. Film and flexible packaging accounts for about 25% of all consumer packaging but is not collected at the kerbside. As long as it’s clean and dry you can now recycle instore soft plastics such as cling film, bubble wrap, plastic bag, baby and pet food pouches.


Warwickshire Fire & Rescue offer free Safe and Well visits to help those most vulnerable in Warwickshire receive some additional safety support. The visits are carried out by firefighters and community fire safety officers and have helped protect thousands of residents across Warwickshire from the risk of fire in their home. Vulnerable residents in Alcester are able to apply for a free Safe and Well visit on the County Council website. For essential advice and information on fire safety in the home, visit


















Archived news

Council and Community Blog posts outlining historical activities and events in Alcester either organised or supported by Alcester Town Council.