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Climate change
Bee Squared
Bees Matter
Bees and other insects are essential to life as we know it. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife.
Pollination is crucial because many of the vegetables, fruits and crops that feed us and our livestock rely on it to be fertilised, so without it, we could all go hungry.
The Problem
Bees and other insects need a huge amount of energy to fly from their home to fields where they collect nectar and pollinate plants in the process. They frequently fly several miles and need regular fuel stops on route. With modern towns and gardens, that are empty of fuel stops, bees are searching for longer distances to re-fuel.
Our response – Bee Squared
We need to introduce more bee-friendly plants at regular intervals around the town, which is why we have launched this new project called Bee Squared. We are distributing tiny packets of wildflower seeds to residents and wildflower bee bombs to every child at Alcester primary schools.
There are collection points around town where you can help yourself to a packet of seeds or you can come along to the Eric Payne Community Centre on Tuesday 17th September between 3pm – 6pm and collect a packet while also enjoying a demonstration from All Things Rural on how to get the best from your seeds.
You can collect a packet from the following venues –
- Waitrose
- Library
- Wild Bunch
- Camilla Jones
- Nicholas Church
- Alcester Town Council
Plant your FREE wildflower seeds during the Autumn in your front or back garden, either in the ground or in pots in an area of 1 metre square. There are instructions with each pack of seeds and also here. The mixture contains, Borage, Californian Poppy, Pot Marigold, Mallow, Marigolds, Vipers Bugloss, Zinnia and Cornflowers
Take a photo of your flowers once they are in bloom and send us a photo, with the best blooms winning a prize. Email your photo to
Live more with less! Zero Waste- Blog and Zero waste news
Hints and tips to help look after our threatened hedgehog population- Hedgehog Highways