In this section

Useful Contacts
Alcester Directory- currently under review
Alcester Town Council Globe House: 01789 766084
Alcester Library: 0300 555 8171
Emergency Services: 999 or 112
Police: Alcester South Safer Neighbourhood Team dial 101 or 01789 444816
Other ways of Communicating with the Police
NHS Direct: 111
Alcester Health Centre: 01789 763060
Arrow Lodge Surgery: 01789 763293
Stratford Hospital: 01789 205831
Warwick Hospital: 01926 495321
Alexandra Hospital, Redditch: 01527 503030
BT Fault: 08008 00151
Electric Power Loss: 105
Gas Emergency: 08001 11999
Citizens Advice South Warwickshire: 0808 250 5715
Samaritans: 08457 909090
Stratford on Avon District Council: 01789 267575. Anti Social Behaviour: 01789 260123
Warwickshire County Council: 01926 410410
The Greig Leisure Centre: 01789 400073
The Greig Hall 07598 756926