You are here: Home Council Services Allotments


Alcester Town Council has four allotment sites in Allimore Lane, Bleachfield Street North, Bleachfield Street South and School Road.

Contact the Town Council (see below) for details about allotments or fill out the application form to be added to the waiting list.

All allotment holders must abide by the Tenancy Agreement 2022

****Please be aware  that there are thieves around and make sure that anything which could be taken, however big or small is kept securely****

For any enquires about allotments please email: or phone 01789 766084


At this time of year produce is growing quickly and flowers are blooming in the town’s four sets of allotments, managed by Alcester Town Council. The School Road allotment site is owned by the Town Council but the others are leased from either Stratford District Council or the Ragley Estate.

As part of the process to produce the South Warwickshire Local Plan, Stratford District Council issued a ‘call for sites’ by landowners. The Bleachfield North allotment site is owned by the Ragley Estate and is one of several sites which Ragley put forward for development. This doesn’t however mean that those allotments will be built on. There are many checks, screening and decisions that have to take place first. This may well take several years and if that site was going to be lost, the National Allotment Society advise that another would have to be provided.

The Council is not planning to sell any of the allotments land it owns or leases, including the Allimore Lane site.

Bloor Homes are also providing allotments, initially offering them to residents of Alcester Park.

So Alcester residents can be assured that our allotments are safe for us to enjoy for many years.